Mind your mind..Train your mind;Make it your friend or foe.

The human mind, when overrun with things like greed provides a torrent of power struggles, war, and general discomfort for the lives affected by this destructive mindset.
That said, the human mind is also the greatest friend of human beings. When overrun with things like equanimity and compassion, it provides a torrent of contentment that can’t be disturbed.

It all depends how we train our minds.

Unfortunately, the world exists on an inherently greedy basis. Society is inherently greedy. It has been since the beginning of human history and will likely continue to be for the remainder of it. We all want things that will bring us to an individual level of bliss. We believe that greed will lead us to our “goal” of permanent happiness. The problem of course is that happiness is forever elusive. When one “good” thing has been gotten, why not get that “great” thing?

This greed then manifests in the form of envy, as we greedily reach after the “good” things that others have in an attempt to obtain these “good” things for ourselves. Again, this constant reaching toward happiness is futile.

So, to amend my initial answer a bit… the biggest enemy of humans is greed.

So how do we overcome greed? Mindfulness. By practicing mindfulness we can learn how to overcome our own personal sense of greed. This process slowly erodes the greed away from our minds.

The laziness of our mind is the biggest enemy of a human being…if you look back in your past, you will find that all the failures you have faced have occurred just because of the laziness of mind….if you can control on functioning of your mind and sovereign it; you’ve conquered the world 🌎 

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